Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Film Review of Team America: World Police Film, The Toys Attacking the Terrorists

The story of young children with violence insanely clever, that's the latest offering from Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of South Park was trying to tickle a new cuteness. They tried to serve the entertainment of ridiculous in the movie Team America: World Police. Inspired by the British TV series Thunderbirds 1960s, Parker and Stone found a new formula.

This story was about a team of gung-ho war U.S soldiers who are fighting to stop North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il from selling WMDs to terrorists, weapons equipped with large and exciting shots.

This film begins with the agreement. A fairytale in Paris - where the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Opera House Line Parade and everyone gathered in the same plaza - gung-ho team of American fighters have destroyed most of Paris in order to save the city from Arab terrorists.

When one of the super heroes was killed, the team leader, Spottswoode (backed Norris), should get a new hero. He set a Gary (Parker), an actor who starred in the Broadway musical comedy about AIDS titled Lease. A mayor who has two college degrees in acting and modeling languages around the world, Gary was asked to act as a terrorist so he can infiltrate the international conspiracy. After some plastic surgery and changes in hair, Gary acting as terrorists - which was like Arabian characters, entered into secret location in Egypt.

Gary's partner be armored in high-tech weapon was Sarah (Masasa), a fortune-teller who preyed on new person; Joe (Parker), a star who never get a girlfriend; Lisa (Kristen Miller), a psychologist who also interested to get new person and Chris (Stone), a martial arts expert who hate actor. Meanwhile Kim Jong Il, was projected like a stereotypical villain in a James Bond movie

This movie picture was made similar to the style of a James Bond movie scenario. This group began to depart by plane from Cairo to the Panama, New York, North Korea and Mount Rushmore (where Team America's headquarters inside a mount)

Team America was intended as satire. But presented in a comical sense of genius, the filmmakers target was shoot their arrows in a clich, an action film full of absurdity - the story about terrorism, war and military power-crazy dictator with a cast dolls

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